The Teddy Bear Developmental Playgroup was established by a local GP in 1985 who recognised the need for a local provision to care for pre-school children who required additional support in their development, in and around the Buckie area. The centre is managed by a voluntary committee and is registered as a SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. SC029458).
At our new location in Buckie, we can care for up to ten children at each session, offering a high level of support, mainly on a one adult to one child ratio. We try hard not to have children waiting for a place following referral but sometimes this is unavoidable due to space and staff restrictions.
The manager and key workers are qualified in child-care, registered with the SSSC and disclosure/ PVG checked for safely working with children. Each child has an individual programme with targets to work towards, plus input from the various visiting specialists. These include physiotherapist, speech and language therapist, occupational therapist, early years language support teacher, teachers for hearing and visually impaired, educational psychologist, health visitors and social workers.
As a registered provider of childcare services, we are inspected by the Care Inspectorate who currently are based at Phoenix House, 1 Wards Road, Elgin and any queries on the service provided by ourselves or regulations we are governed by can be checked with them.
As a partner centre with Moray Council's Education Services, we offer the Curriculum for Excellence, and include all children in activities as far as possible and according to ability. We are inspected by the Care Inspectorate.
The group has full Employer and Public Liability Insurance, as well as Trustee Indemnity Insurance.
The Teddy Bear Developmental Playgroup
The Teddy Bear Developmental Playgroup is committed to providing and maintaining a quality service for the children within the group in a stimulating, engaging and safe environment, which conforms to the relevant health and safety legislation and meets the standards set out by the Care Inspectorate.
Due to our regular access to professional visiting therapists, we can enhance the provision by utilising their expertise and follow the advice and guidelines they set in the use of specialised equipment, exercises to encourage movement, speech and language development etc.
Parent views regarding the care of their child will be encouraged, recognised and respected. Children's needs will be respected, and children are taught to respect adults and other children in the group and they are encouraged to share and help each other.
How does the Teddy Bear Developmental Playgroup help?
The Teddy Bear Developmental Playgroup aims to help those children develop physical, social, language and cognitive skills through a variety of play activities. We aim to help each child develop at their own pace, achieve their own potential and support their progression onto local playgroup/nursery or school as appropriate and when the time is right.
Each child's needs will be recognised and respected, individuality encouraged and efforts praised in a realistic and meaningful manner to promote a positive self-image.
What help does the Teddy Bear Developmental Playgroup receive?
The Teddy Bear Developmental Playgroup’s work is complimented by the following statutory agencies: Social Services, Health Service Workers and Moray Council's Early Learning Educational Services.
There is regular input from Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Early Years Language Support Service, Educational Psychology and Sensory Impairment Service.
What can the Teddy Bear Developmental Playgroup offer parents and families?
The Teddy Bear Developmental Playgroup provides the scientifically proven benefits of early intervention in the child's development
It also offers valuable respite to the child's parent/carer. This greatly improves the quality of life in families under enormous stress.
The Teddy Bear Developmental Playgroup also provides the opportunity to meet and get support from others living in similar difficult family situations.
What are developmental needs?
Happily, most parents can take the health of their child for granted, but a small percentage of children are born with (or acquire) a disability such as cerebral palsy, autism, Down's Syndrome or other condition. Children may have need of early additional support on a short/long term basis because of speech/language difficulties, social/behavioural needs, sensory impairment or some degree of physical or learning disability. These children are referred to the Teddy Bear Playgroup by various Health professional agencies for extra help and support.
Admission to the group is by referral through a local GP, Paediatrician, Health Visitor, Therapist or Social Work Department.
Each session has a charge of £5 for children under three years of age who are not entitled to a free funded nursery placement
A variety of toys and specialist equipment is provided enabling the children to develop and learn through play eg. art work, floor games, outings, books, bikes etc. Specialist support stands, seats, and walking aids are provided where necessary. We have access to a well-equipped sensory room and large garden with wide range of suitable play equipment which all children can benefit from.
We will provide a light and healthy snack each day. This will be varied and consist of foods such as fruit, crackers, toast, cheese, yogurt, sandwich etc.
We will also provide foods relating to celebrations and other cultures festivals such as Burn's Night, Chinese New Year, Diwali etc.
Drinks will consist of milk or water.
As a guide, the playgroup operates the same term dates as the schools in the area, including in-service training days. Dates will be notified through the monthly Newsletter.