We have come a long way since we started in 1985 but still rely on the goodwill of the community to survive. As we work in partnership with Moray Council, we receive a small percentage of funding from them towards our running costs for children in receipt of a funded nursery place, but we also very much continue to depend on grants and donations.
We currently require approximately £45,000 per year to operate smoothly, and rely heavily on the support of the general public, local businesses and our wonderful fundraising committee.

Please donate to the Teddy Bear Developmental Playgroup
We have an amazon wish list that can be accessed if you would like to donate one of the much needed resources we require to the group
If you would like to make a donation please make cheques payable to:
"The Teddy Bear Development Group"
and forward to the nursery
Please ask if you would prefer to make a payment by BACS . Cash donations can be handed into the nursery.
Our thanks
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following agencies, for offering help with funding, support or advice
Moray Council Education and Early Years Services
Care and Learning Alliance
Recent Donations and fundraisers, with a special thanks to:
Everyone who visited us on our open day at our new home, on Tuesday the 12th of November. Between the bottle/chocolate stall, lucky dip for the children and sale of Pudsey Bears, we raised a healthy £267.74. It was lovely to meet you all!
All the visitors to our stall at the Buckie Roots Gala Day, on the 20th of July, who, between you, managed to raise £121 for the Group.
All the Swifties out there, who razed the roof at out Taylor Swift disco, on Sunday the 9th of June. Your participation helped raise a spectacular £586 for Teddies!
Each and every person who joined us for our coffee morning on the 1st of June, at the North Church, Buckie, raising £416.64.
Everyone who participated in our Tombola Evening at the Royal British Legion on the 24th of April, which raised a whopping £1,610 by the end of the night!
All who attended the coffee morning at the North Church on 23rd of March, which raised £560.50.
Everyone who attended our Galentine’s night celebration on Saturday the 24th of February, which raised a grand total of £1,096!
The bp Seagull project team, for their generous donation of £2,683.75. Thank you for your kindness – it is greatly appreciated
To everyone who came to the Tombola evening and supported the group in raising over £2,000
A massive thank you to the Buckie community for coming along and supporting our Party Night fundraiser on the 23rd June. We raised a whopping £2,104
Thank you to Forblast who kindly donated £430
Thank you to the Pat Munro Foundation who kindly donated £500
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our many friends, committee and parents/families of the Teddy Bear Developmental Playgroup, without whose help we simply could not survive. There are quite simply too many to mention here, but we are extremely grateful, your continuous support allows us to maximise the potential of every child that attends and has attended the Teddy Bear Playgroup since it opened its doors in 1985.
Latest Funding Information
Duty of Candour
Each year we prepare a report of any significant incidents that has caused harm to any person, or had the potential to cause harm. We are pleased to say there has been no such incidents to report. The report is available on request.
Inspection Report
We are regularly inspected by the Care Inspectorate. Our most recent inspection was in November 2024 and the report can be viewed by clicking the link below: